
2013 Resolutions to Give Up On

Many of us contemplated our new year’s resolutions throughout the day yesterday before the ball dropped with high hopes for a year different than the others. I’m going to lose weight, I’m going to be more adventurous, I’m going to finally meet that someone; just to find on December 31st that you gave up on all of it January 17th.

I’m all for being optimistic–I’m too optimistic sometimes–but my family extracts some lame resolutions out of me every New Year’s dinner that I know I won’t keep up on. Perhaps I set myself up for failure, but if you set the bar too high you lose hope; if you set the bar too low, there’s nothing to hope for. You got to find the perfect middle: attainable, yet something you’ll strive to do.

I’m going to lose __ pounds by next New Year’s.

Yes, strive to be healthy, but to set a large number for a far away distant time seems too lofty. That kind of goal is destined to be procrastinated on (and I know procrastination very very well). If you break it down into steps–1.5 pounds a week, 5 pounds a month–it brings the goal closer to home and will add up to the overall goal! Plan out tactics (eating healthy, exercising regularly) to achieve your weekly goal and make it routine. It will drop the amount of weight you want while instilling awesome habits!

2013 will be the most awesome year everrrrrrrr!

Love the enthusiasm, but each year will have it’s ups and downs. Cherish the awesome moments, live it up, but also appreciate smaller, calmer moments as well. Each year contributes to you becoming who you are!


Here are my true New Years resolutions:

Genuinely compliment someone everyday.

Develop a healthy routine for this spring semester.

Learn something new every day.

Cherish my friends and family.


I think I can accomplish those! How are you going to make 2013 different?


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