books, Pop Culture

Fancy Friday: Books About Comedy

So I want to start a themed-post day again. Last year it was my “Motivational Monday” posts with quotes from various people. This year I’m inspired by one of my fave podcasts, Pop Rocket, where they have a segment where each contributor shares what they’re obsessed with in pop culture this week.

My riff on it is “What I Fancy” Friday, shortened to “Fancy Friday”. So, if anything catches my fancy that week, I’ll share with y’all!


What I have been OBSESSED with for over a year now are books about comedy. I most recently received Judd Apatow’s new book for Christmas:

I’ve always been fascinated with how people get to where they are today — Wikipedia “early life” sections are my go-to’s sometimes — and Judd Apatow has fun interviewing the greats of comedy and those who have been impacted by his work. He always knew he was a comedy nerd before it was a term and started his interviews as a teenager for his high school’s radio station. To reiterate: he interviewed young Seinfeld as a teen with a radio show. That’s determination!

And the title’s byline is true, he has conversations with these people. They’re fun chats, full of tangents, quips, and sarcasm — and reflections from Judd too. Although it’s not a book with a purpose of being biographical, you do see Judd’s journey into and through his comedy career thus far.

It’s a great book to read while traveling and is granted to make you chuckle — and make people curious to what you are reading!

Already read this book? Try…

Poking a Dead Frog: Conversations with Today’s Top Comedy Writers is a similarly formatted book where comedy greats are interviewed about their craft, their humble beginnings, and their journey. This book is probably more focused for the comedy nerds and aspiring comedy technics, but it is still entertaining and engaging.

Again, a great travel book and will make you chuckle!

Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling is her sophomore book of essays that hit it out of the park. She dives deeper into her experience of her show The Mindy Project (it being canceled and being promptly picked up by Hulu), her childhood experiences, and her becoming a role model for young girls and women. When you read it, it’s like getting advice from a friend that’s a few years older: you laugh and you trust that she wants the best for you. Recommended for the young feminist’s bookshelf!

Yes Please by Amy Poehler was on my Most Wanted Booklist last year and I read through it in 24 HOURS. Probably a record for me, considering it’s a 300+ page book, but it absolutely sucked me in! You can hear Amy’s voice and soul through this book, which is tireless positivity and support for herself & her peers. Also, contrasts so well with Tina Fey’s book in showing their different comedic styles (Tina’s snappy wit to Amy’s all-in comedic commitment). Hard to believe she’s a momma, but I bet she’s killing it as a mom!


This is just a mere sample of my favorite books about comedy/from comedians. I’ll definitely need a part II of this post! And I probably need another post just for young feminists (shout out to Emma Watson’s new feminist’s bookclub, Our Shared Self).

Now with future posts on the to-do list, I’ll keep reading away — and I hope you are too!

Cheers Internet, Amelia

